
'God is love and those who live in love, live in God,

and God lives in them'

(First letter of John chapter 4 verse 16)

â–º Weddings at St Edward's

A wedding is a very special time in the life of a couple. It marks the point in which they make a  life-long commitment to each other, which is sealed with the giving and receiving of rings. Weddings are a time when we celebrate the love of two people for one another, and God's love for us all in which we all share.

There are some very important requirments to be married in any parish church. 

In order to be married at St Edward's, you or your partner need to fulfill one of the following :

  • One or both of you must live within the boundaries of the Parish (Check your parish at and use  your Post Code)
  • Either of you must be on the church Electoral Roll (ie regular member and attender)
  • Either of you have a good QUALIFYING CONNECTION (eg either of you have lived within the parish boundary for a period of no less than 6 months)

Wedding enquiries should be made to the Vicar

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